Talk Trash and Dye Workshop

Talk Trash and Dye Workshop

Regular price $30.00

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Talk Trash and Dye Workshop with compost advocate, Holly of District 2 Floral Studio.
Thursday, April 17th, 6-8pm

Join us for an evening of talking trash – Then we'll dye with said trash talk! 

Composting organic waste is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to mitigate climate change by lowering landfill methane emissions and sequester carbon.

We’ll deepen our understanding of how to participate in composting organic waste from kitchen scraps and garden debris. We'll explore organizing various trashy receptacles for all the trashy things to make your low waste efforts as accessible as possible. Then we’ll use some of those trashy things to dye a cotton scarf – from trash to wearable, adding to healthier soil and cleaner air through the process!

All materials will be provided. Participants are welcome to bring yellow or purple onion skins for use in their ecoprint dye, but not required.

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